Wednesday 4 September 2013

Strange Ingredients

 The phone call lasted a lot longer than Prairie had reckoned and she was starving. She was too hyped up to go back home, so she settled for a snack from the vending machine.

However, it took her money, and stressed out as she was, she did the one thing she never ever dreamed about. She took a flying shoulder tackle into it, causing it to wobble slightly. But at least she got a result.

Scarfing down the sweet treat, she realised what a HUGE mistake that was, and ran straight to the toilet to heave the whole lot up. Goodness knows how long they'd been left in there. It certainly taught her a lesson though. Never attempt to eat ANYTHING out of a vending machine!!

Whilst she sat there, her head resting against the hard porcelain, she recalled the phone conversation she'd had with her mother, trying to fit together all the pieces that had fallen apart. Anything to make sense of what was going on back home.

Mom, calm down, please!

Prairie pleaded as she listened to her mother having a fully fledged breakdown on the other end of the line. She heard a hitching sob and a long drawn out breath as Shau tried to compose herself.

Now. Tell me what happened. And please slow down so that I can understand you. Once you get all excited, you switch to your native tongue and it is hard enough keeping up with you.

Shau laughed.

I'm sorry, it's just that this is so out of the blue, you know?
I understand Mom.
No, I don't think you do. This .... is bordering on the catastrophic..

She started to babble, but stopped herself. Getting herself all worked up, wasn't solving anything. The wheels had been set in motion now, there was nothing she could do. It was the law of her peoples, her pod siblings.

You remember the story of how I threw away everything, the minute I met your father?
Vaguely, but yes.
I thought, by cutting my ties with the pod, I'd be rid of them completely. However, that hasn't been the case. They tracked me down - us down, she corrected, and my superior arrived at the house, demanding that I hand over my first born!
What? That's insane ... and a little biblical if you ask me.
Nevertheless, I told him that my 'first born' wasn't a son.
What's that got to do with things?
Let me get a few words in here Prairie. Please. I'm having trouble as it is, dealing with this fallout.
Um, okay. Continue.
It has always been orchestrated that whenever a sibling clone breeds with a human Sim, that their first born child would be a male. Genetics have made sure of this for many millennia. It has always been that way for as long as I can remember.
To train them as pollination technicians. The next generation of breeders to continue the pollination program.
But why? Why not females?

Apparently, male hybrid spawn are much more compliant and detached. They cannot truly form a 'bond' with their laboratory experiments and have a critical, analytical view of their subject. Females however, have been known to emanate sympathetical views and are much more likely to release their laboratory experiments far too soon. Thus failing to complete the pollination/insemination process. That is why we are always placed in other sections, away from the laboratories.
And I can't do that?
Are you kidding me Prairie? Are you wanting to join the collective and continue their barbaric work?
Is this what it is all about?
Yes! They wanted the first born. However, for some reason, there's a glitch in the genetic process and you were born.
So, I am a 'glitch'?
No, you are blessed, you are an exceptional case. But they still want a male. So they targeted ..... Marlin instead.
And you are letting them take him?
No, I stood my ground. However, there is no backing out of this. We have been targeted and they will return again and again until they get what they want.
And if you still refuse?
Then they'll destroy us all, take out the house ... everything. We, according to them, are a liability.

There was a long long silence as Prairie weighed up the situation.

Do you want me to come home? Maybe a diplomatic solution can be met?
No, their choice is final. If we don't want to continue helping with 'the cause', then we may as well not exist. Simple as that. Besides, I want you to continue your studies and get your degree. It's what you've been striving towards. Maybe, just maybe, they won't find you, and you can continue on without us.
Oh mom, don't say that, please.
I'm sorry, but it is true.

There was a long pause as both women thought about the sheer gravity of their situation.

Yeah, still here.
I need you to do something for me.
Anything Mom, you know I'd always be happy to help.
Should things .... um .... 'happen'.
Listen, listen, please. I need you to collect some raw materials for me.
Sure, what like?

Prairie took pause to rinse her mouth out and reflect on her mother's strange list. It was weird beyond measure, the ingredients just didn't add up. But she decided that whilst she was in college, she'd do her damnedest to get these ingredients.

She just needed some time to jot down all the ingredients that her mother had requested .... and recoup her brain power. What she would do after that ..... she wasn't certain. With her Loner trait, she always found it difficult to meet people and crowds always made her nervous.

Thank goodness it was Thursday, group session day. Even with her feet ankle deep in snow, she was still distracted at her mother's revelations.  She was so glad to be rid of that class.

A fish.
Any kind?
Nope, as long as it is alive. Oh and make sure to anaylse it thoroughly.

She remembered that she'd bought a fish from the store, since they weren't biting at this time of year. She actually needed it for a Science project she was working on at college. She was told to look after it and scan it on a regular basis.

A dragon's egg? I hear they are quite rare though.
Excuse me?
A dragon egg. 
You are kidding me right?
Prairie, I know you have one in your possession.
Excuse me?
Don't play coy with me, I'm your mother. I also know what you are like with your innate curiosity. Which is why I've tasked you with this list of ingredients. If anybody can collect whatever is on it, it'll be you.

Yeah, sure enough, Prairie, through some 'shady' contacts, had managed to acquire a dragon egg.

Apparently it was one smuggled from a fabled land called Dragon Valley. Although the origins of that story were never unfounded, since DV never actually showed up on any satellite search engine. However, the minute it was placed in her rented accommodation where it was warm, it had begun to hatch. So a dragon egg would be pointless.

Mom, how about a dragon instead?
Are you attached to it?

Truth was, the minute this little purple winged creature flopped ungainly out of it's broken shell, Prairie was enamoured. It flapped its fragile wings around, trying to get its balance and hiccuped a few bubbles. BUBBLES????

Prairie was surprised at this, simply because in all the fairytale books that she was embarrassed to admit that she'd sneakily read.... dragons always spewed fire!
Never mind about her college sweetheart Miles. She hadn't seen him all this semester. Either their gruelling class schedule prevented any trysts. Or they just drifted apart somewhat. Now this little creature, was all hers to dote upon 24/7 - or whenever her class schedule allowed it. She took it upon herself to raise this helpless little winged creature as her own.

 Is it pregnant or liable to lay some eggs of its own?
Um not to my knowledge, it is still only a baby.
Then the answer would be no.  But never mind, we will find a way anyways.

Now, she needed to find some folks and gather the ingredients.

Yeah riiiight, how was she to get that? The Student Union building would be her best bet, so, after perusing her list of ingredients, she made her way in there. There were a few people hanging around. Hopefully the right ones.

Um, lemme see. Er .... fairy dust for one.

Fumbling and fussing, she approached a rather handsome fairy who had just happened to wander into the study room.
Um, hi.
I've ... er..... got a survey I need help with.
Sorry, don't do surveys, total waste of time. Besides, where's your clipboard?

Oh why was this so hard for her? She took a deep breath.

Listen, I need some fairy dust. Any chance of letting me have some?

He gaped openmouthed at her, then chuckled.
Sure you can. I've got plenty to go around.
And you aren't bothered by my request?
It's the first time anybody's asked me, without wanting to get into my pants first.

Um, more seeds and herbs.
Yep, got that.

Prairie pondered at that one. She had a friend here on campus who was a PlantSim ...
a PlantSim..... hmm.... maybe????
Can I ask a favour?
Of course, anything for you.

 Do you have any spare seeds lying around? I seem to have run out of mine and I can't cultivate any more during this Wintry season.

Oh and one more thing. Please don't take this the wrong way okay?
I want you to collect some DNA. Not just any DNA, but that of a PlantSim.
No, no no no. It's not what you are thinking. You'll understand the minute you get home okay?

There is just one more favour. I know this is seriously pushing things.
Sure go ahead. Besides, it'll distract me from this really dumb mascot costume I've been forced to wear. Cheers for the Llamas! RAH! Why oh why did I sign up for mascot duty? Sorry, fire away.

I need some of your DNA.
Um, okay. I hope you aren't doing anything sinister with it, like clone me or something. Or create a CowPlant or something.
I hope so too Prairie mused but kept that to herself. So, any chance of having some?
I guess so. It won't hurt will it, I'm nervous of needles.
With the technology we have nowadays, you don't have to do anything. Now stand still whilst I point this gadget at you.

Within seconds, the transaction was complete.

Thank you! I'm so grateful, thank you.
Any time. Now to get out of this damned stinky flea ridden costume and back into my own clothes!

Prairie had managed to collect together virtually everything on her mother's shopping list. With the exception of the dragon egg. She needed to store everything carefully away until she graduated - which wasn't too far away thankfully. And hope that her dragon - curious little thing it was - didn't sniff everything out and eat it.

Oh and to solve the puzzle that her mother had put before her.
What had seeds, fish, fairy dust PlantSim DNA and a dragon egg all have in common?

Her biggest worry however, was what was happening back home. And just how long did they have before the family split apart?